Monday, December 31, 2012

The Formula to Success

一 命
二 运
三 风水
四 积功德
五 读书
六 名
七 相
八 敬神
九 交贵人
十 养身

Translated as:
Destiny of a person takes precedence in the equation, followed by the luck (cycle) they are in, their environment / Feng Shui, their karma (past and present) and education. Next, a person's name is important as well, followed by their appearance / features, respect to deities (parents can be considered our deities or gods too!), friends and acquaintances who provide assistance, and lastly maintaining good health.

I respectfully disagree with the order / priority. For one, the definition of success differs from person to person. Some measure it by wealth. Some measured it by the car they drive or location of their homes. And some measure it simply by the level of happiness they feel in their heart.